Reason to Archive Data

Why Data Archival?

Data Archival consists of retaining/purging older data that still remains important to an organization for needed, futuristic future forthcoming reference or regulatory compliance reasons. Archival is a process of moving out the data which is currently not active to a location only meant for record keeping. Data archives are indexed and have search capabilities, so files can be located and retrieved.

The data archival will deliver the mentioned benefits,

  • Improves system’s reliability
  • Reduces the batch/online processing time
  • Effective utilization of available infrastructure
  • Reduce space allocation by purging data in non-production environments


Our Data Archiving Solution

Kovaion’s Archival Solution

The features of the Kovaion archival solution include,

  • Inbuilt Database Maintenance activity on archive tables.
  • Table locking to preserve structure on archive tables.
  • Approach to handle non-structured tables.
  • The unique approach to handle partitioned object archival.
Customer Feedback

From the Customer’s testimony

One of the leading staffing organizations in the UK has shared a few words regarding Kovaion consulting’s archival solution

  • 80% performance is gained by effectively utilizing Kovaion’s archiving solution
  • The data archiving solution was implemented within weeks
  • Unique Approach for Global Payroll with the 20% Space gain

Request for a Solution

Looking for a corporate data archiving solution? Connect with us! Our experts are happy to satisfy all your business requirements.

Questions you Might Get


  • What is data archiving?

    Archival is a process of moving out the data which is currently not active to a location only meant for record keeping. In other words, the data that would no longer be affected or will affect any transaction will be moved. Archival can be the Physical Separation of data (moving the data from the current location/device to a new/different location/device) or Logical Separation of data (logically grouping the data and moving within the same area).

  • What's the time duration to retrieve an archived item?

    To retrieve an archived item the time duration depends upon several variables. It might take a few minutes to some hours.