Revolutionize your Business with Mobile Responsive Evaluation Management Questionnaires
Revolutionize your Business with Mobile Responsive Evaluation Management Questionnaires
Oracle Talent Acquisition Cloud family drives effective Talent acquisition within the modern enterprise. Oracle continues its enhancements for a great user experience for candidates, recruiters, hiring managers, and HR administrators and one if its new feature in the evaluation management module is Mobile responsive questionnaires.
Interviewers can access evaluation questionnaires and their responses for a scheduled interview on their mobile devices.
The below pages have been made responsive:
- Evaluation Questionnaire Page: The interviewers can respond and enter comments for a scheduled interview.
- Response Page: The interviewers can Accept/ Decline/ Request Reschedule)
It helps in below pain areas.
Interview participants have to log into the system to accept the interview/ give feedback etc.
Now participants can also use their mobile devices for accessing the candidate interview details and can also respond through the mobile device itself which reduces the effort of system usage for this small task with a simpler user interface and below is how it works.
Business Benefits:
Improve quality of hire with advanced screening and assessment tools where the interviewers can accept/decline the interview and provide feedback through mobile device.
Simplified user interface
They allow for greater flexibility, allowing the participants to interact when they want, and providing responses with real-time data which they can rapidly respond to.
They are efficient for the customer, requiring neither a great amount of time nor energy.
Mobile Responsive Page:
- The participants will receive an email notification with the interview URL, once clicked on the URL, navigates the participants to the response page where participants can respond for that interview.

Figure 1: Mobile Response Page 1. Adding interview in Calendar
- If the participants Accept the interview, their responses will be saved in the interview tab after which another email is sent which contains the “Confirmation.ics” file which will help the participants to add the interview to their calendar.

Figure 2: Adding Interview to calendar
Evaluation form Submission
- It will also contain the feedback form for that interview, after the completion of the interview the participants will fill and submit the form.

Figure 3: Feedback Form (Mobile)
Decline & Request Reschedule
- If the participants Decline the interview, their response will be saved in the interview tab, and the participant will not get any further notification regarding this particular interview.

Figure 4: Decline Interview
- If the Participants Request to Reschedule the interview, their response will be saved in the interview tab as request reschedule and then the recruiter will reschedule the interview.

Figure 5: Requesting for Rescheduling
Stick to closed questions: mobile devices sometimes are difficult to type with, when asking participants to respond at length to open-ended questions
Too many clicks can increase load time and fatigue for the users
Author: Pooja M Ramesh