The Peoplesoft Employees Self-Service feature is one of the most used by employees for updating contact details and other personal details. In contact details Addresses, phone and email types can be added/updated by the employees.
The Peoplesoft Employees Self-Service feature has proven to be an invaluable tool for employees, offering them a seamless and efficient way to manage and update their essential personal information. Among the various self-service options available, the ability to modify contact details holds particular importance.
This feature empowers employees to maintain accurate and up-to-date information, fostering effective communication and ensuring that company records reflect the most current data. Prior to image 46, an employee can update only the home address and Mailing address through the personal details tile as shown in the below Fig 1.

Fig.1: Home Page of address details
Now with the PUM HCM 46 image, Peoplesoft has provided an option to configure different types of Address and Contact as shown in below Fig 2.

Fig.2: Address Configuration page
With the above configuration page setup, an organization can now setup multiple Addresses, Phone, and Email types. Using the Type Control feature organization can also decide which type of address, phone, or email details can be viewed/edited/ deleted by the employee.
This configuration page allows you to add multiple address types as shown in Fig 3 below. Using the addition and deletion button, the organization can add/delete multiple address types.
For example: for Starting executive level, you want only the home and mailing address
For manager level and above, if they want to configure office addresses as well the organization can setup the configuration pages according to their requirement.

Fig.3: Address Configuration with multiple address types
Here the organization can also decide which address an employee can view, update or delete according to their requirement.
Based on the Type Control feature organization can now control the employee’s access to edit /view the details.
- Full Edit – Gives full access to add/delete /update the address to employees.
- Edit – No Delete: Employee can add/update the address but cannot delete an address.
- Display Only – Employees can only view the address but cannot add/delete/update any address type.
- Do Not Display – This specifies that this type of address will not be available on the personal detail pages for any modification.

Fig.4: Type control options
When an employee views the address through the Personal details page, should be able to view multiple address types mentioned in the configuration page as shown below.

Fig 5 New Address details page
The Bottom Line:
The Peoplesoft Employees Self-Service Address Configuration feature, especially with the advancements introduced in PUM HCM 46, enhances employee control over personal information and allows organizations to align data management with their specific requirements. This dynamic and user-centric feature marks a significant step forward in efficient HR operations.
Author: Arun Kumar, PeopleSoft Senior Consultant