Many organizations use questionnaires in various ways to collect & analyse data from users like surveys, quiz, assessment and many more for different purposes.
Introduced in HCM PUM 29, PeopleSoft Questionnaire Framework helps users in an organization to create assessments as a group of questions and answers to be used in activity guides. This framework allows users to group the assessments based on topics and control the security and permissions with respect to who can create or utilize the questionnaires.
The PeopleSoft Questionnaire framework consists of Questionnaire category, Question pool, Answer pool, Smart answer pool and Questionnaires.
Creating Questionnaire template:
Navigation: Set Up HCM > Common Definitions >Activity Guide Composer > Templates >Add activity guide template.
Click on add activity guide template and follow steps to create a questionnaire template for questionnaire category.

Enter the template name, effective Date and click on continue button

Click on Next button to create template

Select Activity Guide type

Select Activity Guide Category as “Create Questionnaire” to create the template. This template will be used as a questionnaire template to create a Questionnaire.

Create Questionnaire Category:
Navigation: Enterprise Components > Questionnaire Framework > Questionnaire Category.
Enter the Questionnaire category name and click on add button

Enter the Questionnaire Description and select the template if any, created already, and then select the Role to provide user access.

Questionnaire framework Security:
Questionnaire framework consists of two types of roles.
Questionnaire Administrator: Has full access to define, edit and manage Questionnaires
Questionnaire composer: Has only access to questionnaire page and the system delivered basic category page.
To view and answer Questionnaires system delivered permission list EOQF3000 should be added to the roles
Question Pool:
This page is used to add a set of questions to the Questionnaire category.
Navigation: Enterprise Components > Questionnaire Framework > Question pool.
Select category and enter Question click on save button to store in question pool.

Answer Pool:
This page is used to add a set of answers in a Questionnaire category.
Navigation: Enterprise Components >Questionnaire Framework >Answer pool.
Select category and enter Answer click on save button to store in answer pool.

Smart Answer Pool:
This page is used to create a group of answers that may be used repeatedly in a questionnaire.
Navigation: Enterprise Components Questionnaire Framework Smart Answer pool. Select category and enter Answer click on save button to store in smart answer pool.

Adding question and answers to Questionnaire page:
Navigation: Enterprise Components > Questionnaire Framework >Questionnaire.
Questionnaire: This page is used to search, manage existing questionnaires and to create a new questionnaire.
Click on Create Questionnaire button to create a questionnaire.

Enter the Questionnaire name, code and select category

Define Questionnaire
Enter the description and select access type to restrict access to the questionnaire. Available access types are,
- Private: Enables Questionnaire should be accessible only by the user who created.
- Public: Enables Questionnaire should be accessible by anyone in Update/Delete/Clone/Preview Mode.
- Read Only: Enables except the user who created, should be accessible in preview mode.
- Restricted: Enables except the user who created, should be accessible in clone/ preview mode.

User Instructions
Enter any instructions related to the questionnaire.

Use existing question
- Select Question type (Drop down/ Multiple Choice/ Drop down/ Numeric/ Date/ Ranking)
- Associate answers from answer pool
- Select the correct answer
- Provide default points to calculate score finally if required.
Select ‘Required Question’ checkbox, to enable that user not to skip the question.

Questions can be organised by using “Group Name”

Preview questionnaire to see how the questions appear to the users.

Questionnaire options
- Set additional options for a questionnaire if required.
- The available additional options are
- Randomize Question: Enable users to randomize the order of the questions within the group in a questionnaire.
- Randomize Answer: Enable users to randomize the order of the answer within the group in a questionnaire.
- Anonymous Questionnaire: Enables users to answer the questionnaire secretly.
- Allow User Updates After Save: Enables users to edit their saved answers of the questions.

Update new question/answer add to this questionnaire into the question/answer pool.

Click on the activate questionnaire button to Activate Questionnaire.

Adding Questionnaire to activity guide composer:
Navigation: Setup HCM > Common Definitions > Activity Guide Composer > Categories.
In the search page Enter Activity guide category and go to ‘Steps’ tab
Modify an existing category to include the Questionnaire step.
Select the Fluid check box, to load the fluid page in the activity guide.

Here user can include multiple Questionnaire steps inside a same activity guide category by utilizing various parameter values (i.e. Questionnaire categories) and by providing a different step name.

Use the Activity Guide Templates page if user wants to create a new activity guide template or update an existing questionnaire template to include the step.
Navigation: Set Up HCM > Common Definitions> Activity Guide Composer > Templates > Activity Guide Templates

Use General Information page to provide an activity guide template category, which is linked to the Questionnaire.

Select Steps
Select the Questionnaire step to be included in this activity guide.

Migration considerations:
Questionnaire Framework is not a PeopleSoft object so cannot be migrated using Application Designer from one database instance to another database instance. Data Migration Scripts(DMS) can be used for migration.
Business Benefits:
- Ease of usage – Guided process helps functional users to create and use questionnaires, no technical knowledge required.
- Large number of people can be reached relatively easily and economically.
- Reduce time, cost and effort in conducting assessments to employees.
- Answers can be quickly and easily quantified which makes it easier to compare and contract with other data
- Can be plugged in with activity guides.
- Supports only minimal assessment features.
- Limited choice of response, If the right response is not among the answers we will obtain little or no information
Ashadulla Shaik
PeopleSoft Technical Consultant