Since the release of new features in PeopleSoft HCM PUM Image 34 (Early May 2020), Oracle has delivered the next Images release – PUM 35 a couple of days back.
Some of the key features delivered as part of the HCM PUM Image 35 are – Time and Labor Fluid WorkCenter, Reported Time totals for Units and Amounts, External Applicant View of Consents and Agreements, Voluntary Self Identification of Disability Form, Chatbot Updates, Modernization of Birth and Adoption Pages, Benefits Preview Statements Enhancements, Fluid Chartfields and Job Opening Additional View Enhancement.
Time and Labor Fluid WorkCenter:
This new feature – “Time and Labor Fluid WorkCenter”, delivered in HCM PUM Image 35 is built upon the existing Fluid workcenter framework to provide real time information and easy navigation to Time and Labor related processes. It also provides an organized view of an existing Classic Workcenter with items that require attention.
For managers, the Fluid Workcenter is accessible from the Manager Self Service page via the “Team Time” Tile.
Navigation > Manager Self Service > Team Tile > Time and Labor WorkCenter.
This workcenter supports display and filter capabilities that facilitate data to be populated based on the user’s requirements. Various filters that are available are:

The Navigation Collection of the workcenter is organized into:

- My Work – This section further contains delivered pagelets that need focussed attention namely –
- Alerts
- This collapsible section is further classified into seven types of Alerts.
- Can be configured and can have multiple Alert types under each category
- To access and take an action, select the “Action Icon”, which displays the related action menu.
- Multiple alerts can be actioned upon at one-go.

- Exceptions
- This section is used to view the exceptions and allows the user to take an action (Allow/Manage) against an exception
- Approvals
- This section is used to review and approve any pending approvals
- Links
- Queries
- Reports/Processes
Links, Queries and Reports/Processes sections can be configured based on the end user’s requirements, whereas the pagelets under My Work section is delivered.
Administrators’ View: Administrators can access the Tile from the “Workforce Administrator” homepage. In addition to the above-mentioned collections to the WorkCenter for a manager, an administrator has “Time Reporter Status” and “Attendance” as additional navigations.

Reported Time totals for Units and Amounts:
PeopleSoft HCM PUM 35 delivers changes to time pages wherein the reported time total is displayed in different time units as in hour/amount/unit of work.
Based on the time reporting code setup, the employee will be able to see the reported time total in the different units (hours/amounts/units) in the main and week headers on the enter time page.

The new reported time totals are also visible in the header at the day level entry page and at the footer box on the time summary page.
From the manager’s view, the employee’s reported time total is viewable as hours/amount/units of work on the Enter Time page. The same information is also available in the header at the day level entry page and at the footer box on the time summary page.
External Applicant View of Consents and Agreements:
Delivered with PUM Image 35, external applicants can view the acknowledgements that they agreed to, during registration or while applying for the job. To facilitate this, the acknowledgement framework has to be configured to create these consents.
On the My Account information page, that has the user’s profile details and contact information, has the registration acknowledgement section that displays the registration consent the user agreed to.

Application Acknowledgement while Applying for the job
Registration Consent while registration
The My Job Applications page has an application acknowledgement section that the user had agreed while applying for the job.
Voluntary Self Identification of Disability Form:
PeopleSoft HCM PUM Image 35 has introduced the capability of entering Self- Identified Disability for US Employees and applicants. The “Voluntary Self-Identification” page is used to record this disability.
Navigation > Employee Self Service > Personal Details > Disability
The PUM Image 35 has an updated screen with the Employee Id, a revised list of disabilities.
This feature is applicable to applicants, who are asked to voluntarily enter this data in the Pre-Offer and Post-Offer steps while applying for the job.
Chatbot Updates:
PeopleSoft HCM PUM Image 35 has enabled the feature of interacting with the Employee Directory assistant Chatbot via text messaging applications, in addition to the Web Access. This feature is facilitated via the Twillio account of the Organization. Once the Organization gets the Twillio number, employees can send text messages to this Twillio number to interact with the Employee Directory assistant Chatbot. This can be achieved by signing into the PeopleSoft Application via the mobile device text. The features that the Web based Chatbot provides will be available while accessing via the text channel as well.
Below details can be asked for via text messages
- General Profile Information
- Job Title
- Business Address
- Email Address
- Phone
- Manager and Direct Report for any employee in the Organization.
PeopleSoft Chatbot Integration Framework facilitates the secured integration between PeopleSoft, Twillio and Oracle Digital Assistant by providing the appropriate support infrastructure. PeopleSoft Delviered Chatbots/home grown chatbots can be configured to be made accessible via the Twillio based text messaging.
Modernization of Birth and Adoption Pages
Within the Life-events Activity Guide, as part of this HCM PUM 35, PeopleSoft has delivered fluid pages for Birth and Adoption dates.
When an employee submits the birth and adoption dates, the alert (and email) notification is received by the Benefits Administrator. Email notifications are received if the Notify Administrator Option is selected on Life Event Rules setting.
An action (and email) notification is also received by the Benefits Administrator, if “Proof Required” option is selected.
Benefits Preview Statements Enhancements
PeopleSoft HCM PUM 35 delivers a new Benefits Statements Type for Submitted Enrolments. The new submitted enrolment statement is automatically saved when an employee submits an enrolment. With this PUM Image, the benefits enrolment status has a timestamp as to when the enrolment was submitted. Further changes after submission by the employee changes the status to “Changed-Resubmit required”.
Fluid Chartfields
Fluid Chartfield search is delivered with PUM HCM Image 35 to support Fluid pages with Advanced Search capabilities. Clicking on Advanced Search will open the Chartfield detailed page.

Use the Combination Codes to search for GL Combination or any other field like Account/Project etc. Alternatively, the Speed types can also be used to search.

Time and Labor users can report time against chart fields in Fluid in Report time, Enter Time, Weekly time, and Quick Fill pages.
Chartfield search is also available for time reporters on Mobile devices.
Job Opening Additional View Enhancement
This is a feature delivered in HCM PUM 35 for Recruiters. On Site setup page, the recruiting administrators can configure the “Select Search Display” as GRID View/LIST View/Both. The default view is further set to either Grid/List if “Both” is an option selected for “Select Search Display”.

After the setup is done, the views can be seen on the “Search Jobs” page as shown below. When “Both” is selected, the candidate can alternate between the views.

Author –
Prasanna Krishnan
PeopleSoft Team,
Kovaion Consulting India Pvt Ltd