Staying Current on PeopleSoft application patches and reducing the cost of maintenance is the predominant focus of Oracle’s PeopleSoft Update Manager (PUM).
With the release of PUM images every three months in PeopleSoft 9.2 and Oracle’s latest PeopleTools release, it is a breeze to adopt new features and reduce TCO. To embrace the new features and get benefitted from the features of new PUM images, the version of the PeopleSoft application need to be on 9.2.
The new features that Oracle has delivered in PeopleSoft HCM PUM Image 33 are detailed below-
1. Fluid Delegation Uptake
PUM 33 introduces the Fluid Delegation Framework, permitting the end users to empower another person to act on their behalf for approvals and initiations of transactions.
In a single delegation request, the delegates and transactions can be chosen. Admins have the ability to set up the configurations for cascading of delegations and creating notifications to delegators for pending approvals.
One of the best features herein is that Fluid delegations can also be configured for clustered environments, wherein delegations for all the databases can be viewed at one shot.
Delegations is a tile on the Manager Self Service Homepage, clicking which the below screen is navigated to

The above dashboard has three tiles to create and manage delegations from one single place.
“Create Delegation Request” tile is used to create the delegation request with the Start Date/End Date, select the delegates,
Delegation requests can be open-ended with no end date specified, if a manager is leaving the organization/going on a long leave and the replacement has not been identified yet.
Administrators can specify in the configuration pages, the hierarchy of the delegates (to be shown in the Create Delegation Request) and whether or not any employee can be added as delegates manually. It can also be managed via configuration whether contingent workers and Persons of Interest can be shown in the list of delegates.
The transactions to be delegated can then be selected and submitted. Only those transactions which both the delegator and the delegates have in common will be shown on the delegation screen.
“My Delegates” tile can be used to view the submitted delegations. The screen shows the requests filtered on statuses. There is a capability to revoke the request via this screen/tile.
The third tile – “My Delegated Authorities” tile can be used to view the transactions that have been delegated to the user. This page also shows the transactions in a sorted manner. By default, it shows the request that needs the approval/rejection of the delegate (user).
On the set up page, the administrator has the capabilities to cascade the delegation (assigned to them) to two more levels. Also, the feature of including the delegator is also available, in case the delegator needs to be aware of the status of the transactions.
By default, PeopleSoft HCM image 33 delivers delegation to the below modules:
- Absence Management
- Benefits
- Compensation
- ePerformance
- GP for China
- Human Resources
- Position Management
- Recruiting Solutions
- Time and Labor
2. Paysheet Load Enhancements
PeopleSoft Payroll for NA delivers an integration that allows data to be loaded from specific PeopleSoft or other third-party applications directly to paysheet records. A configurable framework has been delivered as part of PeopleSoft HCM Image 33, for this purpose. The Paysheet Update program needs to be configured for the organization or a subset, which is effectively dated and holds the statuses of the employee eligible for payments. The paysheet update source/earnings/deductions are accordingly configured. The paysheet load program also has to be set up at this juncture.
Admins can review and update the transactions before they are loaded into paysheets.
3. Data Masking Changes
Page and Field Configurator has been enhanced to incorporate “Data Masking” for Component Fields and Search Fields as one of the types of Configuration.
Masking Configuration can be added to the setup along with the fields to be masked.
PUM 33 has delivered four different types of Masking Parameters, to set up the format of the masked fields.
- Unmask Trailing Characters
- Complete
- Date
- Setup table based

4. Employee Directory Assistant Chatbot
Employee Directory Assistant is a new chatbot enhancement delivered as part of PeopleSoft HCM PUM Image 33. This enables, co-workers to find the details/contact and job profile of other employees. Details like general profile information, job title, business address, email address, phone number, manager/supervisor, and direct reports can be viewed via the Employee Directory Assistant chatbot.
5. Position Management – Manage Primary Incumbent
PeopleTools PUM Image 33 has delivered a feature for Fluid Position Management to identify the primary incumbents for positions. This predominantly brings down the inconsistencies while more than one incumbent is available for a manager position. Via the “Manage Primary Incumbent” page, view the list of incumbents for a manager position. On this list, the primary incumbent and the start date can be mentioned/tagged against an employee. There is also an included feature to associate and view future incumbents for a particular position (with the start date), if any.
There can however, be only one primary incumbent for a position at any given point of time. History of primary incumbents for a position can also be viewed from this page.
Explore here: On enhancements in PUM 29 in Position Management
6. Modernize Fluid Benefits Summary for Administrators
The look and feel of the Benefits Summary page for admins have been changed as part of this Idea Space feature. It now emulates the ESS page of an employee. It has a Card and List view available, along with Related Content area on the right panel. The new feature as part of PUM 33 also has a date selector for the admins to view the past, present and future benefits summary date for an employee. Latest Payroll deductions for an employee is also listed as a tab on this page. This tab of Payroll deductions is available only for customers using Payroll for NA or Payroll Interface.
7. New Employment Questionnaire for Candidate Gateway
This image PUM 33 has enriched Candidate Gateway with a new configurable page called “Employment Questionnaire”. This allows a new step to be included in the job application process to add / respond to important job preferences and questions, that may be significant to decide if the candidate my fit the requirement. This page can be configured to include Employment and Skill related questions.
8. Recruiting Alerts Improvement
This image has enhanced the “Personalize Recruiting Alerts” providing recruiters with an Alerts filter restricting the number of alerts seen by them. This helps in improving the page performance. The same enhancement has been delivered for hiring managers, while they personalize the recruiting alerts.
Global – My preferences page, when accessed from Homepage > Actions, has the recruiting personalization page included.
9. Acknowledgement Framework Summary Review Pages
PeopleSoft PUM Image 33 has enhanced the Acknowledge framework with a summary page for the Administrators to search and view user acknowledgements. User also have the ability to view the summary of the Acknowledgements done in the past using this page.
Acknowledgement Response Details page details the Acknowledgements completed by the users.
10. Business Partner Viewable in PeopleSoft OnBoarding
As part of OnBoarding, a new feature has been added which allows the employees to view the Business Partners via the “Business Partners” tile. The tile indicates the number of viewable Business Partners’ number. This would help the employees to contact and connect with their BP representatives.
11. Viewing of Participant feedback in Multiple Steps
Managers have the capability to view participant comments in documents during tracking the mid-period progress/defining criteria in Evaluation process.
This option has to be enabled during the template definition at the Define Criteria/Track Progress Steps.
Manager can thus view the corresponding feedback in the respective steps.
12. Processing Payee on LOA
The new update 33 of PeopleSoft HCM allows the processing of pay for employees who are on Leave of Absence. This can be defined in the Payroll Selection criteria wherein the payroll statuses that are eligible for Absence and Payroll processing can be defined. The payee selection criteria has to then linked to a Paygroup. This enables the identification of active payees.
13. Mobile Payslip messages
This is a new feature pertinent to PeopleSoft Global Payroll. PeopleSoft GP has the capability to associate messages on printed payslips. These messages associated with payslips (Eg: Congratulatory message for Bonus, Work Anniversary, Allowance…etc) can be viewed from Mobile devices as well.
14. Automated Calendar Group Creation
Automated calendar groups can be created by Payroll Admins, by mapping different frequencies with Calendar Ids. The different frequencies that are available are weekly, bi-weekly and monthly. The flexibility of creating various calendar groups based on the calendar pattern is available with this release. It is also possible to automate the creation of periods, calendars to be used in calendar group.
15. Flexible Suffix for Automated Calendar and Period Ids
Payroll Admins have the capability to customize the naming conventions for the Period Ids by setting up suffix along with the Order Sequence numbers. The same is also possible for Calendar Ids.
16. Running STP Processes either based on Period End Date or Calendar Run Ids
Admins can run the Single Touch Payroll (STP) process by using the Period end date. The same can also be processed by using the Period Id that is associated with the Period End Date.
A single Payroll event can also be generated with the Period End Date.
Author: PeopleSoft Team, Kovaion Consulting
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