Have you viewed the Modern & Fluid Job Data Page yet?
PeopleSoft HCM PUM Image 36 Feature release
The much-awaited fluidization of Job Data page was released in the latest PeopleSoft HCM PUM Image 36. A new and modern fluid tile was delivered in Workforce Administrator Homepage for managing the enhanced version of Job Data. In HCM, Job Data is the most important component which stores all job data transactions, employment history and critical/sensitive information of employees.
Key enhancements along the job data modernization include Fluidized Job Data page, configurable search, activity guide to ensure efficient data entry and validations, Drop Zones to minimize customizations, and ability to add attachments and review / approve job data transactions.
Manage Human Resources: New Fluid Tile for Job Data
Navigation: Home Page > Workforce Administrator
The New Fluid Tile “Manage Human Resources” has been introduced in the Workforce Administrator homepage to maintain job data. The HCM PUM image update 36 provides a contemporary experience for managing Job Data.

Fig. 1: Manage Human Resources New Fluid Tile

Fig. 2: Manage Job Tile
The HR administrators can view, update and enter new job data information using the “Manage Job” tile. After clicking the “Manage Job” tile, the HR views Managed Job search page. The managed job search page has the advantage of the new configurable search features, which makes the search of employees faster and easier. Crucial fields like Company, Department, HR Status, Job Code can be configured as search fields and also be used for search results.

Fig. 3: Manage Job Search and Results
Job Actions Summary Page
From the advanced search list, after the employee is selected, the Job Actions Summary page is made visible.
The Job Action summary page shows a snapshot of all the job rows of the employee selected. The HR will be able to add a new Job action using “Create Job action” button (for eg: Transfer/Promotion, etc..) or will also be able to edit the current row of the Job data using the “Edit Button” in Correct history mode.

Fig. 4: Job Actions Summary Page
The HR administrators can view attachments/view other job-related data using the Related action.

Fig. 5: Related Action
Fluid Activity Guide functionality
While creating a new Job Action, after the “Create Job Action” button is clicked, and the needed details are provided, the “Fluid Activity Guide” driven Job data page opens, which consists of step by step procedure to ensure all necessary information is filled for the Employee Job Data.

Fig. 6: Activity Guide & Work Location Page
In order to cater to specific business needs, some fields may be needed additionally on the Job Data page. Drop Zones can be used to facilitate and maintain such custom fields. Drop Zones ensure customizations are eliminated and just by configuration, the requirement is satisfied. Four Drop Zone pages are available to allow the configuration of custom pages and fields.
Page and Field Configurator can be used to hide tabs and fields that may not be needed for the Job transactions without customizations.
After all the necessary steps are progressed one by one, HR can add attachments in the Add Attachment page. The attachment page can also be used to remove attachments.
The Fluid job data uses the attachments framework to enable HR to include supporting documents related to the employee’s job transaction, like a manager’s recommendation for an employee promotion.

Fig. 7: Attachments Page
The validation step allows HR to view all the warning and error messages at one shot. HR Admins can also go back and update the information and re-validate before submitting the transaction.
The last step in the process lets HR to review the updated and current job data details before submitting the request for approval. This is an optional step.
Fluid Job data gives the flexibility for the HR representatives or HR Business Partners to initiate the job data transactions and the HR administrators to review and approve it. The “Manage Configurations” tile is used to facilitate this approval.

Fig. 8: Confirmation Page
When the approvals are enabled, the approval will use the fluid approvals feature to review the managed job requests. The approver can review a summary of proposed changes, access additional details related to the job data transaction like attachments and edit job data before completing the approval request.
Manage Configuration Tile
The HR can also identify and configure additional search criteria fields important to the organization using the “Manage Configurations” tile.

Fig. 9: Manage Job Tile

Fig. 10: Manage search configuration
Using the Manage search configuration page, the HR will be able to configure job fields and the field order for searching & displaying employees.

Fig. 11: Manage search configuration page
Configuring Drop Zones for additional fields, or using Page and Field configurator for hiding tabs and fields can be facilitated via this tile.
Business Benefits
- Simplified and Ease of Use by new fluid tiles
- Configurable Search page for better operational efficiency
- Drop Zones Framework for adding custom fields
- Ease of hiding tabs and fields with no customization via PFC
- Step-by-Step Guided process for job transactions
- Configurable Attachment framework for supporting documents
- Configurable Approval Process for Job Data changes
Akash Patil
PeopleSoft Techno-Functional Consultant.