Automated Calendar Group Creation – PeopleSoft HCM PUM 33 Feature
Automated Calendar Group Creation – PeopleSoft HCM PUM 33 Feature
One of the elite features provided in PeopleSoft Update Image 33 is the Automated Calendar Group Creation. Payroll Administrators can create automated calendar groups by mapping Calendar IDs for different frequencies.
Calendars of frequencies such as Weekly, Bi-Weekly, or monthly can be mapped to the calendar Groups according to the user’s requirement. Users have the flexibility to create multiple calendar groups based on the selected Calendar pattern. They can also automate the creation of periods and calendars to be used in the calendar group.
What’s New?
Though Peoplesoft had Automated Period ID and Calendar ID Creation before, Calendar Group Creation was not available due to its complex structure. From PUM 33 this complexity has been ruled out. Users can define the group creation automatically reducing manual efforts.
Steps to Automate Period/Calendar/ Calendar Group Creation
Period Creation:
Navigation: Main Menu > Global Payroll and Absence management > Absence and Payroll Processing > Define Calendars > Periods- Automated Creation

Image 1: Periods Automated Creation Page
- In the Period- Automated Creation Page, select the frequency according to your requirement, Frequencies can be delivered frequencies from the frequency defined or user-defined frequencies.
- Select the Unit of measure and Units in the period based on the frequency defined above.
- Provide begin and end date for the periods to be created along with Period ID Prefix and Suffix.
- Provide a Sequence number according to your requirement for the number of periods you are going to generate.
- The resulting Period ID shows the format from the first to the nth period name convention.
- Run the Process, after successful completion check for the periods on Periods Page.
Calendar Creation:
Navigation: Main Menu > Global Payroll and Absence management > Absence and Payroll Processing > Define Calendars > Calendar- Automated Creation

Image 2: Calendar Automated Creation Page
- In the Calendar Automated Creation Page, provide the Calendar Prefix according to your requirement. This affects the name convention of the Calendar.
- Select the required pay group for which the calendar is to be created. Note, Pay group is a unique field and calendars should be created based on this field.
- Select the run type based on your requirement. It may be of any run type such as Absence or Payroll Run.
- Select the first-period id from which you want to create the calendar for the consecutive months, Also give Calendar ID suffix for Naming Convention.
- The Payment Date for the calendar can be set from the two options. Days from the period end date which can be a day or two or any date before the period end date. The next is the specific day of the week when we can give a day of the week to payout.
- Options can be selected based on your requirement if the payment date is a holiday.
- Payees for whom the calendar should be run can be selected based on the criteria in the payee selection box, This box holds same functionality of what is available in the Calendar creation page.
- Run the process and look for the calendar generated in Calendars Page.
Automated Calendar Group Creation:
Navigation: Main Menu > Global Payroll and Absence management > Absence and Payroll Processing > Define Calendars > Calendar Groups – Auto Creation.
Image 3: Calendar Groups- Auto Creation
- Specify the Calendar Group format in the Calendar Group ID field. This will show the naming convention of the calendar group to be created in the Resulting Calendar Group ID field below.
- Select the country and Calendar Group frequency according to you requirements. Also, Provide the Input for Begin date from which the calendar has to be created.
- Provide the details of a number of Calendar groups to be created and also you can specify the sequence order from the below grid.
- Run the process and look for the calendar groups created on the calendar group page.
Though the process is simple, Peoplesoft has automated an important task that was done manually and was time-consuming for a long time. From the automated feature, Payroll users can create all of the Calendar Group in a minimal time for the whole year to be processed.
Author: Akshay Vimal, PeopleSoft GP Techno-Functional Consultant